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5,000,000 Careers advanced
1,500 Live classes every month
85% Report career benefits including promotions or a new job
Learn from global experts and get certified by the world's leading universities and technology companies
35 contact hours
8 industry case studies, 20 industry-based scenarios
Validate your learning with a Transcript from IIIT Bangalore
Attend Masterclasses from top faculty of IIIT Bangalore
Earn a program completion certificate from Caltech CTME
Earn a Caltech CTME Circle Membership on LinkedIn
2 days classroom training
16 PMI PDUs & Certification Offered
Program completion certificate from E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur
Simplilearn JobAssist Program
9 tools & Rigorous curriculum
Simplilearn JobAssist Program
13 tools & Rigorous curriculum
Program completion certificate from E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur
19 PDUs for self-paced learning
22 PDUs for online classroom flexi pass offered
Learn about ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, Midjourney & other key tools
Capstone projects in 3 domains
Certificate from SP Jain School of Global Management
Live sessions by SP Jain top global faculties
Simplilearn JobAssist Program
14 tools & Rigorous curriculum
Simplilearn JobAssist Program
6 tools & Rigorous curriculum
Gain hands-on experience in twenty-one UI UX design tools like Figma, Notion, Maze, Whimsical, UIZard, and more
Simplilearn JobAssist Program
21 tools & Rigorous curriculum
Cutting-edge curriculum designed in guidance with industry and academia to develop job-ready skills
Leading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies to sessions that fit into your work schedule.
Capstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning
24x7 Learning support from mentors and a community of like-minded peers to resolve any conceptual doubts
Curriculum tailored to your organization, delivered with white-glove service and support
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